The Antique and Vintage Jewelry Galleries Antique and Estate Jewelry Gallery Antique Cufflink Gallery What's New

Antique and Vintage Jewelry Galleries

Antique and estate jewels are small works of art that celebrate the elegance, artistry and craftsmanship of earlier times.  In the jewelry galleries you will find
a wide variety of miniature masterpieces including elegant cufflinksbeautiful broochesfine stickpins and  distinctive dress and tuxedo sets.

Art Nouveau amethyst and enamel brooch. (J9530)

Elegant Cufflinks

In the  Antique Cufflink Gallery  we feature fine cufflinks from the past. 
Below are just a few of the elegant pairs available.

Carrington heliotrope cufflinks. (CL9610)

Carrington Heliotrope  Fiery bloodstones with red accents reminiscent of embers in a dark bed of ashes.  These elegant cufflinks were created by Carrington & Co. with 14kt gold circa 1910.  Cost: $925
  Antique arabesque cufflinks set with diamonds. (CL9595)

Diamond Arabesque  Elegant cufflinks with an intricate arabesque of twisting vines and stylized foliage surrounding a small, sparkling diamond.  Created by
H. W. Wheeler in 14kt gold circa 1900.  Cost: $825  

Art Deco diamond cufflinks. (J9245)

Diamond Jazz  Art Deco cufflinks with finely engraved centers raised on tiered sides with cascading "epaulets".  On one side a small diamond adds to the elegant sparkle.  Crafted in 14kt gold, circa 1925.  Cost:  $885

Harvey Avedon malachite and onyx cufflinks. (CL9531)

Malachite and Onyx  Elegant green malachite and black onyx with polished bands of gold. The bright gold and colorful gemstones give these cufflinks an alluring appeal.  Crafted in 14kt gold circa 1960.  Cost: $725

Huger Art Deco sapphire cufflinks. (J9278)

Sapphire Jazz   Bright blue sapphires sparkle amid radiating cascades of scalloped circles surrounded by borders of alternating scrolls and stylized dragonflies.  Crafted in 14kt gold, circa 1925.  Cost: $885

Art Deco Scottish terrier cufflinks. (J9411)

Scottish Terriers  Noble, playful Scottish terriers stand before the fiery rays of a radiant sun.  Black enamel and gold borders frame the iconic Art Deco image.  Crafted in 14kt gold, circa 1930.  Cost: $885

Elegantly engraved Art Deco cufflinks. (J9375)

Roses and Garlands II  Golden roses and garlands on a background of streaming sun-like rays surrounded by Art Deco borders decorated with sunrise and lotus motifs.   Crafted in 14kt gold and platinum circa 1925. Cost: $575

Art Nouveau diamond cufflinks. (J9526)

Art Nouveau Curves Sinuous, untamed scrolls surround a sparkling star-set diamond in this tour de force of Art Nouveau design.  Created by Whiteside & Blank in 14kt gold, circa 1900.  Cost:  $865

Art Deco carnelian spool cufflinks. (J9232)

Please visit the  Antique Cufflink Gallery  where we offer many more elegant pairs of cufflinks from the past.  Above is only a small sample of the cufflinks available.

Fine Stickpins

The  Antique Stickpin Gallery  gleams with miniature works of sculpture.
Below is a small sample of the stickpins available.

Carrington dragon stickpin. (J9505)

Carrington Dragon  A finely sculpted dragon fiercely crouches, as if readying to breath fire.  A finely sculpted stickpin created by Carrington & Co. in 14kt gold circa 1900.  Cost:  $725

Hans Brassler amethyst and diamond scroll stickpin. (SP9633)

Amethyst and Scrolls  A rich amethyst set in a finely sculpted wreath of laurel leaves and curling scrolls.  Beneath the amethyst a small diamond sparkles.  This elegant jewel was created by Hans Brassler in 14kt gold, circa 1910. 
Cost:  $585

Art Deco Egyptain Revival Stickpin (J9517).

Art Deco Pharaoh  A pharaoh or priest peers intently to the left framed by the Art Deco geometry of his striking headdress.  Created by Bippart, Griscom & Osborn in 14kt gold circa 1925.  Cost:  $435

Whiteside & Blank winged lion stickpin with emerald and diamond. (SP9648)

Winged Lion and Emerald  A fierce winged lion jealously guards a verdant emerald cabochon and small, sparkling diamond.  This finely sculpted stickpin was created in 14kt gold around 1900.   Cost:  $765

Art Deco sapphire and diamond stickpin.(SP9679)

Sapphire and Diamond  An elegant Art Deco study in blue and white with a rich blue man-made sapphire and sparkling diamond set in white gold.  This elegant stickpin was created by Krementz & Co. in 14kt white and yellow gold circa 1920.  Cost:  $525

French Art Nouveau dragon stickpin. (J9485)

French Chimera  A fierce dragon readies to lunge forward and breath fire from within a leafy tangle of vines.  An elegant French stickpin in the Art Nouveau taste created in 18kt gold, circa 1900.  Cost:  $525

Hans Brassler medieval amethyst stickpin. (SP9421)

Medieval Amethyst  A faceted amethyst set in a distinctive gold frame embellished with medieval and heraldic elements.  This regal stickpin was created by Hans Brassler in 14kt gold, circa 1910.  Cost:  $465

Hans Brassler jade stickpin. (J9191)

Brassler Jade  Sinuous Art Nouveau curves and a classical laurel wreath border frame a luminous green, giraffe-head jade.  A striking early Art Deco stickpin created by Hans Brassler in 14kt gold circa 1910.  Cost:  $645

Victorian reverse intaglio terrier stickpin. (SP9607)

Please visit the  Antique Stickpin Gallery  where we offer many more elegant stickpins from the past.  Above is only a small sample of the stickpins available.

Beautiful Brooches

  In the  Antique Brooch Gallery  are finely crafted brooches to match
every taste and occasion.  Below is a small sample.

Krementz Egyptian Revival brooch. (BR9657)

Lotus Blossoms and Citrine  A dramatic Egyptian Revival brooch with a glowing ember-like citrine set between finely detailed lotus blossoms and anthemia. Created by Krementz & Co. in 14kt gold circa 1900.  Cost: $865

Edwardian guilloche enamel and pearl brooch. (J9413)

Gilded Age Splendor  Richly detailed gold and enamel work frame a finely engraved blue guilloche enamel center this elegant brooch.  Created in 14kt gold around 1910.  Cost:  $875

Hans Brassler amethyst and roses brooch. (J9256)

Roses and Amethyst  An elegant brooch set with a rich amethyst, bright pearls and golden roses in a "garden wall".  Created by Hans Brassler in 14kt gold, circa 1910.  Cost:  $745

Art Nouveau sapphire and pearl brooch. (J9240)

Sapphires and Pearl  An Art Nouveau brooch with dark sapphires and a small pearl set amid flowing curves and draping acanthus leaves.  Crafted in 14kt gold, circa 1900.  Cost:  $485

Victorian amethyst brooch. (J9540)

Amethyst and Scrolls  A late Victorian brooch with a lozenge-shaped, lively amethyst set in a finely chased gold border of flowing scrolls.  Crafted in 14kt gold circa 1900.  Cost:  $565

Hans Brassler citrine and roses brooch. (BR9349)

Roses and Citrine  A lemony yellow citrine sparkles between golden roses and luminous pearls in a Hans Brassler "trellis" brooch crafted in 14kt gold circa 1910.  Cost:  $765

Brassler coral brooch. (J9274)

Brassler Coral  A softly glowing coral set in a brooch that weds elements of Art Deco and Asian design.   Created by Hans Brassler in 14kt gold, circa 1910.   Cost:  $745

Edwardian filigree and diamond bar pin. (J9352)

Fleur de Lys  An elegant Edwardian diamond and fleur-de-lys brooch.  Created in 14kt white and yellow gold, circa 1920.  Cost:  $365

Art Nouveau amethyst and enamel brooch. (J9530)

Please visit the  Antique Brooch Gallery  where we offer a many more fine brooches from the past.  Above is only a small sample of the jewels available.

Tuxedo and Dress Sets

In the  Tuxedo and Dress Set Gallery  are elegant formal sets with cufflinks,
shirt studs and vest buttons.  Below are a few of the sets available.

Art Deco onyx and diamond dress set. (DS9557)

Onyx and Diamonds  The sophisticated elegance of polished onyx set with sparkling diamonds and framed in jazzy Art Deco scroll borders.  Created in 14kt gold and platinum circa 1925.  Cost:  $3,250

Carrington white tie dress set. (J9419)

Classic Carrington  An elegant dress set with bright mother-of-pearl and pearl centers surrounded by platinum reed-and-tie borders.  A classic set finely crafted in platinum and 14kt rose gold,  circa 1920.  Cost: $2,650

Larter onyx dress set. (J9149)

Onyx Jazz   Black onyx centers set against white gold borders with finely detailed Art Deco designs.  This elegant tuxedo set was created by Larter & Sons in 14kt gold circa 1925.  Cost:  $865

Carrington diamond and mother-of-pearl dress set. (J9240)

Carrington Diamonds  Sparkling diamonds set in platinum center engraved mother-of-pearl.  Platinum borders with an elegant geometric design add a further touch of elegance.  Crafted in platinum and 14kt gold,  circa 1925.  Cost:  $1,475

Carrington button tuxedo set. (J9471)

Classic Buttons  An elegant tuxedo set with button-like mother-of-pearl centers surrounded by classic reed-and-tie borders.  Created by Carrington & Co. in 14kt gold, circa 1930.  Cost: $1,335

Onyx and diamond tuxedo set. (J9497)

Onyx and Diamond  Dramatic onyx centers set with sparkling diamonds.  A border of raised and lowered edges frames the center stones.  Crafted in 18kt  gold circa 1960.  Cost: $1,365

Sansbury & Nellis citrine dress set. (J9186)

Please visit the  Antique Tuxedo and Dress Set Gallery  where we offer many more fine dress and tuxedo sets from the past.  Above is only a small sample of the sets available.

Antique and Vintage Jewelry Galleries

Krementz mermaid and swan cufflinks crafted in 14kt gold. (J9382)

Antique Cufflink Gallery   Elegant cufflinks from the Gold and Platinum Age of cufflinks (1880 to 1950).  Here you will find elegant cufflinks from the late Victorian through the jazzy Art Deco era.

Hans Brassler amethyst and diamond stickpin. (J9501)

Antique Stickpin Gallery  Antique stickpins from the Victorian, Art Nouveau, Edwardian and Art Deco eras.  Each stickpin is like a miniature piece of sculpture set atop shaft of gold.

Art Nouveau amethyst and enamel brooch. (J9530)

Antique Brooch Gallery  A gallery of beautiful brooches from the past.  There are elegant jewels from the Victorian, Art Nouveau, Edwardian, Art Deco and Mid Century eras.

Art Deco onyx and diamond dress set. (DS9557)

Antique Dress and Tuxedo Set Gallery  Elegant dress and tuxedo sets from the early 20th century are among the finest ever made.  In this gallery you will find sets in a variety of elegant designs and fine materials.

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when new pieces are added to the  Antique Jewelry Galleries.

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If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, I can be reached at  or  978 412-6633.

Or, if you prefer snail mail, my postal address is:

Arthur Anderson
PO Box 1448
Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA

© Copyright Arthur Anderson
1996  -  2025 All Rights Reserved